One Year Since

Today is special, but not in the positive. I’ve left my body on auto-pilot and my heart in a vault for a year now, only allowing in those that already breached the walls beforehand. It’s been a lonely year on many days, and an introspective one as well. Only by the support of true friends, distant and near, recent and ancient, did I make it through last summer, and only standing alone in a strange new horizon will I rediscover everything of who I am. It’s time to feel this heart beat again, and share my journey, but I won’t let my guard down so easily nor shall I give so much of myself that there is nothing left but ashes in the aftermath.

One year since
And a thousand miles ago
But I cannot outrun the scars
One year since
All that I know
Crashed to the Earth from the stars
One year since
I’ve been embraced
And shared with somebody my dreams
One year since
That future replaced
Across mountains, deserts, and streams
One year since
My promises kept
To not feel again as I did
One year since
In her arms I slept
And goodbye to passion was bid
One year since
And so many steps
Towards a sunrise I dream of
One year since
And a hundred regrets
A year since I have been loved.