My Hero

If you ask me who my hero was as a kid, my first answer would probably be “Indiana Jones”. But it might just as likely be Han Solo or James Bond. But that’s not true, and never was. As a kid, I always thought my dad looked just like Han Solo, with the same smile and eyes. And he looked like James Bond, with the cleft chin and nose. And he looked like Steve Martin, with his laughing eyes and grin. When I’d watch these movies, I wasn’t watching Harrison Ford or Timothy Dalton. I was watching my father, fighting Nazi’s, hunting replicants, being a secret agent, or just making me laugh. My dad was my hero, and still is. And I still watch the same movies today, just to see my dad kick some evildoers ass, and feel some little bit of connection to him, even if those connections were forged in the imagination of a ten-year-old. I miss my hero.