The Social Justice League Inspired by the Barbie Liberation Organisation, I took on gender-biased toys to create something better, that can speak to broader segment of the kids out there, and maybe inspire in the process. These are the results.… Activism, Culture Jamming, Feminism, Gun Control, LGBT, LGBTQ
The Milestones of Change Change is an inevitable reality. It can be slow, taking generations, or it can come in… Feminism, LGBTQ, Memorial, Progressive, Tolerance
Missed Calls Somewhere in Las Vegas, a latex-gloved hand is holding a phone right now. It lights up,… Eulogy, Las Vegas, Mass Shooting, Tragedy
Rock* Today I had a family who had recently lost their dad/grandad. He had left them a pair of Spanish classical guitars.… children, guitar, happy, inspiring, Music, work
Imagination Yesterday, I had to do an install. It was 106 degrees, and much of it was outside. The customers’ daughter followed me from spot to spot, telling me everything about everything.… children, Funny, imagination, Spooky, work
His name was Steven His name was Steven. He’d seen things and heard things, but it’s my turn to listen.… happy, sad, Touching, work
Rebel I saw smoke billowing just a couple of blocks over, I thought I should check and make sure people were okay. I saw a man running and yelling “That’s their Dog!”, so I started running after him.… Animals, fire, Rescue, work
The Pulse 49 This is my tribute to the victims of the Pulse massacre.… art, Charcoal, LGBT, Pulse, Tribute